Guilherme Portela

Visual culture,
digital graphic design,
& strategic branding.





what: expography, graphic design, typography
client: Service Historique de la Défense
where: opixido, Paris, France
when: 2018

November 11, 1918, is one of the most important dates of the twentieth century french history, since it was on this date when the first great war’s armistice between Allies and Germany was signed, in order to put an imperative end to the hostilities practiced at that moment. It was also the date that honors the death of almost a million and a half of French soldiers who fought in the first great war. Here is shown the project of the exhibition, which took place at the Château de Vincennes, between December 2018 and January 2019 showing the before and after the signing of the armistice, with many images and very rare documents, such as the book where the terms and clauses of the armistice itself were signed.