Guilherme Portela

Visual culture,
digital graphic design,
& strategic branding.





what: Concept, branding, graphic design, storytelling
client: Discovery Channel
when: 2015

Star Wars, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Star Trek...

Our culture has produced great masterpieces of science fiction material, specially those whose histories are in the unknown vastness of the universe.

The idea for this personal project came from the unknown itself, this curiosity of what we know and what we do not know... about the space and beyond. This is a proposal for a TV series (which would be broadcasted by Discovery) that would address this issue linking it to pop and sci-fi culture with real scientific facts.

From a survey of sci-fi culture imagery, and after identifying recurrent shapes and forms, I made a selection and turned it into a family of objects (beings? nests? typography family specimens?) that would refer directly to the unknown, suggesting of what may exist beyond the boundaries of the universe that we live in.