Guilherme Portela

Visual culture,
digital graphic design,
& strategic branding.





what: graphic design, typography
client: Musée d’Art de Nantes 
where: opixido, Paris, France
when: 2019

In 2019, the Nantes Museum of Art proposed an exhibition that would show the large and polysemic collection of works of art present in the collection of the French artist, poet, translator, editor and political activist Jean-Jacques Lebel. And the proposition presented here was that of a "a multidisciplinary mosaic". This principle of composition would highlight the artistic richness of the Jean-Jacques Lebel Foundation, which brings together a wide variety of works, formats, techniques and different creation dates.

From this vast and polymorphous whole, the idea was to show the concept of the mosaic of works, which are articulated in several configurations, like as many islands and landscapes.